Hidden Gems
Children’s Kindness Network is delighted to share these valuable curricula with a select audience for teachers, parents and other caregivers of young children to assist in creating a culture of kindness toward our vision of shaping a world where kindness prevails! These resources have been created and enhanced by multiple teams of early childhood educators.
Moozie’s Learning Experiences for Kindness – 117 pages containing 22 themed experiences each with about a dozen distinct activities around kindness,
Moozie’s One-Minute or Less Kindness Possibilities – 41 pages of quick, fun and easy to use activities to start a day at home or in the classroom to create an attitude of kindness
Moozie’s Preschool Kindness Curriculum – 80 pages with 210 experience ideas to engage children in the value and habit of kindness
Preschool Lesson Plan for Moozie’s Orchestra Adventure – a sample list of experiences to learn and practice kindness around music and a story including dealing with bullies